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New to CC19...well, new to boating

PNGento Member Posts: 12
Yesterday was my first time out with my 2016 CC19...all went well, but I have a few questions.  I know this group is about fishing, which I plan to do, but hoping it is ok to ask a couple of more generic questions.  

1) how would water get into the bilge?  
When I wash down inside the boat, the water runs to the rear and into slots at the bottom of the two outboard compartments, then it runs out through two channels and out ports to the outside.  So, it seems as if water that enters the boat, would not go to a bilge.  Not sure what happens to water that enters various compartments (under seats, bottom ski compartment, etc.  Does this water just sit there unless siphoned out, or is this where water might enter the bilge?  Beneath the rear seatbacks, these sit in wells that seem to all join but the water that collects there does not seem to have any exit.  I have been sucking this out with a wet vac.  So, how does water enter the bilge?

2) 3 of my 4 seatbacks have broken plastic pieces where the seatback rods insert.  It seems as if Hurricane does not have these parts available for my 2016...does anyone know if the same part from a 2017 or later might fit my 2016?  

I'll end for now...glad to have found this forum and looking forward to contributing.