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Hurricane customer issues

wrshog Member Posts: 5
Hey all,
I purchased a 2018 Hurricane FD226F last year. I put a Honda 200HP OB on it and had a blast with the family and extended family. At the end of the year I noticed some cracking in the gel coat on the transom. (5 months of ownership and usage here in MN) I brought it back to the dealer and they investigated the issue,,,,
Turns out the transom was not built correctly. They and Hurricane determined it should go back to the factory for repair. Hurricane determined it could fix the problem by "repairing" the transom....... 
I looked at the boat on Friday of last week and was "ok" with the fix other than the fact that I could see the repair at the tape line, and they apparently could not find a piece of tape long enough to cover the transom (6" splice in the pin stripe tape on the starboard side"??????)
But I felt I was just nit-picking at that point.........
fast forward to today.... (literally)
I went to the dealer and they had just hung the motor the night before... Guess what? The transom gel coat cracked and the boat was not even used... 
What would you do and what would you expect from the mfg at this point???
